Tuesday, 10 September 2013

The Rubbish Expedition

I have a bin and it often needs lining and so I have been to the shops to purchase this. The Shopkeeper told me this lining was the best on the market. "Sturdy, fragrant, won't do you wrong," he beamed. A pack of around thirty 'sacks' as they are colloquially known, but I'm not one for fashion.  I'm a beige man and although I'll stick by it, you're a little limited in formal wear when the occasion presents itself as it did on my morning outing.

I would estimate that the time and effect that has gone into making one of these 'sacks' is either too little or too great as the resulting product is far from satisfactory. As I told the somewhat flabbergasted Shopkeep, I wouldn't stand for his inadequacies, "But they're all like that these days," he feebly broke.

Further investigations have proven this somewhat rugged desire of mine to be languishing in a far flung time.  These days people want the weakness, need the failure if they are going to make an event of their rubbish disposal but I am a busy man, I have cows to slaughter and meat to flog and once I'm done I'll get my kicks wherever they're welcome.

I guess we don't all have standards.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Fitness Is Important

Nearly there...




Hells yeah. It's taken me on and off about a year now but even I have to congratulate myself on doing a thousand press-ups.  Congratulations.

I read somewhere on a cereal packet that doing a press-up is the equivalent to running a space mile so I've probably hit the moon and back a few times already.  First butcher on the moon probably.

It's not that I'm getting fat or anything, the opposite being true, I haven't weighed more than six stone in my entire life. It's partly why I'm so naturally adapted to gliding and why I always dress up as Flat Stanley on Halloween.

Hitting the big triple zero was a test of will, a battle with myself to show that I can beat myself, time and time again, and I'll be honest, finally achieving is a great feeling.

Next year I'm going to try tuck jumps.

Monday, 15 July 2013

He'll Be Thinking Twice

He's down to three lives and unless he wants another drowning I don't think Thomas will be stealing my laser pen anytime soon. Damn giraffes.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Stress As Yet Unfelt

I'm hearing that privateers have taken control of the communication network and I'm trying to rally together a band of eager do gooders to free my monthly soil publication from their hideous clutches. We need urgency comrades, edges could be getting creased as I write these words. Stay in touch, Ewan. Peace xxx